Canada Day Masters Festival

Field Hockey Alberta is excited to announce that the second annual Canada Day Masters Festival will be held from June 23-25, 2023 at the University of Calgary - Hawkings Field

Important details:
- Festival dates are June 23-25, at Hawkings Field, University of Calgary
- Age category is 40+, with the opportunity to have a maximum of 2 underaged players (37+)
- Level of play will be semi-competitive, a healthy blend of good competition and fun
- We are seeking 4-5 men's and 4-5 women's teams
- The format will be 7 v 7 (6 field players and a goalie)
- Enter as a team or as an individual. Individual registrants will be placed on a team
- The entry fee will be $110 (CAD) per person, which includes a minimum of 4 games, a social event on Saturday night, a tournament gift and a drink ticket for use at the beer garden
- All participants must also have FHC (Field Hockey Canada) insurance which can be purchased during the registration process
Interested in volunteering? click this link to sign up!
Click this link to make your Masters Festival apparel purchases. Items will be available for pick-up on Friday, June 23rd, at the pitch.
Participants who donate $500 to the Festival will have their registration fee waived.
Click this link for donation levels
For international visitors, we encourage you to extend your stay and visit our beautiful country. From coast to coast there is much to see and do.
Further details are in the works, so stay tuned. We look forward to seeing you in June!
If you have any questions, visit the FAQ page or email Lori Gaffney at
Warm-up Balls
FHA will not be providing teams with warm up balls. Your team needs to either bring a set of their own OR you can order balls from Sohail at AA Sports, at
$84 plus Tax for one Dozen kookaburra Saturn Balls. See pictures below. Balls will be available for pick-up on Friday, June 23rd, at the pitch.